Name: demon131.
Age: 16.
Best Mods: Aikido, Wushu, Kickbox.
Belt(min Black) :Black.
Why you want to join: it looks like a good clan and i would like to be part of it
Can you PWN: yes
Desired position:elite
Replays: none yet will upload later
Name: demon131.
Age: 16.
Best Mods: Aikido, Wushu, Kickbox.
Belt(min Black) :Black.
Why you want to join: it looks like a good clan and i would like to be part of it
Can you PWN: yes
Desired position:elite
Replays: none yet will upload later
i cannot seem to beat this guy in aikido , i say yes to him
I vote yes, but rank recruiter. [email protected].
The movie going well, but I reguest other send 5 replay in this e-mail, so I get easy access in those.( These don't have to Musket and Shinigama. I already got them. )
I will be inactive for few weeks not totally, but kinda much, because school and movie.
Don't worry Noobie I wills till be your partner and play in soccer cup, if you want.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.