Originally Posted by
I know that feel all too well, got put into bronze 5 at the start of the season and never looked back.
Originally Posted by
If only i listened to that
I was bronze V when this season began now im plat 3 :/
took me like 1k games to climb out of bronze
well i stardet out in bronze 4 season 3 thoo and it was not hard at all to get out there... 80ish games..
silver was the true terror to get from silver 5 to 1, 1 was easy peasy again.. now im sitting on gold 4 and thinking if i go for plat cuz its still a month until the reset
Originally Posted by
I knew about everything you just said. You just don't understand that I don't have much time to play LoL what with school and taking care of my baby brother. Also, when you start ranked, are you not allowed to play drafts anymore?
it doesnt change's anything when u play ranked.
except that for others in their friendlist ur shown with ranked wins/elo instead of normal wins.
Last edited by Unicorn; Jan 11, 2014 at 03:01 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump