Very nice.
I'm farming up for Lee Sin, because he looks outstandingly fun.
I'm about to get 6300 IP in a few games which will then allow me to buy any champ I want. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I'm more of an AD/bruiser (trynd, sivir, yi) person. Maybe Xin Zhao will fit the bill?
This is how you Asian
1. Kha'zix Jungle 9/2/6 Win
2. Tristana Adc 8/4/8 Win
3. Leona Support 3/2/5 Win
4. Vi Jungle 6/0/10 Win
5. Vi Jungle 3/4/4 Loss (rofl 2/11 brand and 0/8 fiddle blamed me for the entire game.)
6. Trundle Jungle 0/6/3 Loss Holy shit twitch jungle has amazing earlygame pressure I couldn't compete
7. Ezreal Adc 10/1/6 Win
8. Leona Support 0/6/0 Loss Not much you can do with two afks on your team
9. Kha'zix Jungle 8/3/4 Win
10. Lee Sin Jungle 7/7/26 Win
Good idea with the codes echo :cream:I'm about to get 6300 IP in a few games which will then allow me to buy any champ I want. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I'm more of an AD/bruiser (trynd, sivir, yi) person. Maybe Xin Zhao will fit the bill?