Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I dont think being homosexual is right and dont support it at all. But hell, I could care less what other people are doing as long as it doesnt affect me. Maybe if gay marriage was legal I wouldnt have to hear about it so much.

If the kid agrees to be adopted by Gay parents then sure they should adopt the kid. But even if I had no parents I know sure as hell I wouldnt want no gay parents, and if the kid feels the same and is all ew gross I'd rather stay here ._. then I dont think they should be allowed to adopt him.

Kids like you make America a wonderful place.

"I dont think being homosexual is right and dont support it at all."

You make it sound like people choose to be homosexual.

"If the kid agrees to be adopted by Gay parents then sure they should adopt the kid."

Yeah, pre-teen orphans know the concept of homosexuality extremely well, I'm assuming that's because they haven't become sexually active yet, and should also be given more rights when it comes to choosing ones parents than teenagers. "I HATE YOU DADDY/MOMMY" -> "here, pick a new family".

You're a prick, and I'm assuming your parents are pricks too, which is where you've gotten your shitty attitude from. Kids with gay parents would grow up with a greater tolerance, a more open mind. But thanks to pricks like you, the world will always be a shitty place.

Yes, I support gay marriage/gay adoption. Let me ask you something:


This debate is shit, there is not a single good reason why it shouldn't be legalized and accepted.
Last edited by dalir; Jan 7, 2010 at 08:17 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
i fully support gay marrage, in fact i believe that not allowing it is a violation of our so called natural writes. "all men are created equal and have the inailenable writes of life, liberty, and pursuite of happieness." these words are slightly paraphrased from a united states legal document, yet they can supress gays happieness by not allowing marrage or adoption? not to mention that it would create a boost in the ammount of money cycling through the econemy dealing with both subjects.
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
too long to quote

They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay. It's not like I'd go protesting against gays it's just I dont see it as right but if they really want to then go ahead.

If the parents are ok with straight people and arent going to raise the kid to be gay but to choose his own sexuality without any influence then fine, but considering kids would are more able to have their opinions swayed then they would most likely grow up to be gay.

I never said nothing about them picking new parents when they alredy have them, where did you pull that from? I was only talking about if they are older, I dont know how old is the max limit for an orphanage but I'd assume it's until you turn 16-18 unless they kick you out when you hit your teenage years and say sorry go live somewhere else no one wants you. This including teens that have had their parents die or have been abusing them, they shouldn't have to go live with gay parents if they are against it.

When I say dont support it at all, all I'm saying is I dont think they should but if they want to then whatever.

Also, If gays were meant to be then gays would be able to reproduce, but they cant it's not natural.

<joking> Maybe that's whats gonna happen in 2012 everyone turns gay, therefore ending the human race.</dont comment on this>
Last edited by isaac; Jan 10, 2010 at 05:40 AM.
Gay marrige and gay addoption should both be okay just couse there parents are gay does not mean they are going to be gay there is the possibilty but they probley will be bullyed out of being gay. I know a gay person and he is awsome its not like he is from another planet they are the same as all of us.And yes there are gay animels i see them all the time at the beach, gay dogs
Last edited by rhyz; Jan 10, 2010 at 06:11 AM.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay.

The other thread has a relevant post. Turns out there are gay animals, in fact it's been observed not just in bonobos but in a wide variety of animals.
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How many of these gay animals would you see? Allot less than half, probably allot less than 1/4. It's not normal just like it's not normal in humans.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
How many of these gay animals would you see? Allot less than half, probably allot less than 1/4. It's not normal just like it's not normal in humans.

So? A very small number of people get cancer. Does that mean that cancer is not natural?
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay.

<insert TL: DR here>

Where the fuck were you in the choice/genetics thread?!
i liek turtelz xd
Ya cancer is not natural, Slapped, it's a disease that people need treated, by this point it seems you think gays have a disease that need to be cured, even I'm not thinkin that harshly.