Christmas Lottery
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Originally Posted by skinnydude908
ok i have a funny 1.

I was sitiing on the ground watching t.v. and i went to the table to get the remote. Then, when i sat back down i sat on my finger and broke it....


Originally Posted by ninjas?
nice i used to slide down the stairs on pillows.

i used to take my matress off my bed and loodge down the stairs! lol

ok i got i good one that happened a
looooooo..... : ...oooooong time ago when i was like 3-5 or somen

first off...i used to share a room with my brother (who is 1 year older then me) and we had a bunk-bed which was up against the corner of 2 walls. we also had a little stool which was about a foot tall and had 2 steps (im sure you had one). any way i was on the bottem bunk and my brother was standing next to the stool in the middle of the room. I had some how managed to piss off my brother so much that he threw the stool at my head, me, seeing this, quickly pulled off some ninja matrix style shyt narely dogdeing it. it passed my head and hit the wall leaveing a fist sized hole. my dad came running in and we both just looked at him and he just shook his head and luaghed
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
ive got two..
one happened to me, nice short one...
I was in a lake with my friends, and we were playing i think dodgeball... in a lake, yeah i know. so we were really messing around with dodges and whatnot, having a good time, and i find myself alone against two guys. were doing all sorts of diving dodges, all sorts of things you would do in waist deep water while playing dodgeball... anyways, they throw, i dodge, throw back, they throw, i dodge again, and it goes on and on to the point of "wow... this is nuts... begginners luck" i was doing ridicoulously better than ive ever done. then, i got hit, got pissed, kicked what i thought was the sand at the bottom of the lake, hit a rock, broke a toe.... Hooray!
The really funny one happened to a friend of mine.
He was about 5 years old, was with his father, and was in new york somewhere. He saw a statue of a rhino, and started playing rhino... he then pawed the ground and charged, straight into the rhino horn, and cracked his skull open.
hes not much smarter nowadays either...
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Hmm... I once had a dream that I came in here and pressed the lock button... but I'm very mean in my dreams...
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Once, while standing in line at Arbys with my best friend and my girlfriend, my friend said something stupid, so i pretended to slap him. You know, where you hold up your hand and hit it to make the noise...? So anyway, i followed through a bit too much and slapped my girlfriend right in the face, and it wasnt lightly. Later that day, I was having something handed to me out of a window and my girlfriend walked up behind me, and without knowing she was there I grabbed the bag that was being handed to me and turned around, dropping my arms as i did so. As it turns out, her shoulder/neck area was in the path of my dropping elbow, and that one didnt connect lightly either :o
"The primary form of transportation for a lumberjack is by bull. While ordinary bulls eat grass and antibiotics, a lumberjack's bull feeds on endangered species." -Maddox, The Alphabet of Manliness
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Once, I laughed my ass of seeing some guys pissed off because I locked their favourite topic that they repeated the same story in hoping to get credits and become richer than me.

[17:08] <|MahaTmA|> Ducky, <3

[17:08] <voxie-furry> lols
[17:08] <voxie-furry> nice

<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod