trad 4 neptune nd radio lax 4 2k
How much for my 12 bumpmap textures?
full gladiator for hunter ;)
Fine send 37k then. Ill send you platinum and supernova when recieved.
Offer on my static force and my hunter relax...
Trade? Full Gaia+Adamantium Relax+1k for hunter lax?
selling superfly force + relax pack for 35K
Radioactive Force - 1.5k
Do you buy bumpmap textures?
Wut, you raised the price? :v I'm selling the Plasma Relax, not buying :< Selling for 13k.
ran out of tc to pay for buying items. once I get it back up I will buy again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Not buying things at moment.........