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What the fuck is that? >_<
I see your point in it though. Not a very good point however. Yes, this is a part of being a christian. Obeying God. But the rules he has made is good rules, that will only positively improve your personality. If everyone lived like Jesus did, then world would be paradise. He obeyed God.
Please write me that essay, and I will take it into consideration, and we can make a nice little debate out of it.
Why is the immortal life with everything you want, together with everyone you love, unappealing to you? That is probably the biggest wish of many people.
No, I don't burn after getting immortal life. I burn after getting accepted by God, as a confirmation that what I have done is the right thing to do.
First, lets start off by explaining why immortal life is not appealing to me. Its boring. Imagine living forever, and think about it, even if it was with your loved ones, the sheer fact that you exist only to exist would take a greater toll on my mentality then any form of punishment I am being "threatened" with, if my behavior and experiences in life deviate from what this all-knowing skyman wants me to experience. I assume you, obviously a christian, assume that no other religion except yours is correct.
Satan is not, nor has ever been a genuine christian invention. The fact that you assume he is sitting in a burning lake waiting to torture people who have deviated from the skyman's "good life" points towards a lack of deep understanding and the ability to interpret one's own faith. Do you honestly think that the moral values of every living human can be closely watched by an almighty being? Or is it possible that those moral values were given out in a time when barbarians pillaged and plundered the roman empire, raping women and destroying life, in order to calm everything down? Christianity became an established religion around the 4th century, due to the fact that it made controlling people much easier then the prominent polytheistic religions of the time. The moral values were tossed in to guide people through a more peaceful life, with less suffering for everyone(then it got out of control and everyone suffered), and made them believe they were working for the greater good. You, my friend, have been drinking from the bunch bowl at the cult meeting if you take all those stories as fact.
Let me explain how the moral values implemented by Christianity made it possible for the roman emperor's to strike fear in the heart of your average barbarian(everyone except romans, hurpdurp) at the time. If you tell them that if they continue to kill people, rape women, and loot villages, they will spend eternity in a flaming lake where a man with horns, red skin(oh god, oh god), and a tail with an odd spike at the end is going to torture them, they are going to attempt to follow these moral values in order to avoid this. Barbarians were not the smartest people, as you can assume, therefore, this would work in distracting them, or entirely stopping them from fucking shit up.
Now then, lets move on to why Christianity, and religion in general has attempted to halt any advancements that might lead to a revelation that they are not correct. Lets start with the most well known case;
Galileo. Galileo's discoveries contradicted what religion claimed at the time, and they attempted to crush him and his studies in the name of the "lord", because he was spewing lies(or so they claimed). Religion, throughout most known history, has been humanity's way of attempting to make everyone happy, but people are too stupid to make the system work over a long period of time, and it eventually collapses on itself and causes great tragedies. Christianity has played a murderous, torturous, and even a role that I would consider satanic in history. If you were not aware, Christianity has allowed, and even rooted on great travesties such as the
spanish inquisition. The fact that a religion such as Christianity is an institutionalized organization, instead of just a dogma which you may or may not accept points to questions about its legitimacy.
Also, Spartacus was crucified for much nobler ideals then Jesus(maybe he was just a terrible carpenter.)
I am willing to write an essay on the topic, but only if you are willing to take some time to think seriously about the matter. I am not trying to influence your beliefs, I'm just trying to prove them wrong \o/