Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
Name: Richie

Age: 15

Timezone (GMT): -4 (Pennsylvania)

Belt: 2nd Black Belt

Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: forum: 10 ingame: 5-6 depends.

Previous clans: DaF, VorteX, Fish, Coffee, Chess, Chess, annnnnd Chess, then pH.

Talents: I'm active as hell and I'm awesome freehand drawing. example below.

Why you want to join us: WELL! For the past maybe month or so I kept thinking of joining back and I was even asked but that really shouldn't matter. What matters is that out of ALL the clans I've hopped to this one is the ONE for me. I really did take advantage of this place and I've decided that is the best place for me. Because I love every single member in this clan, and I can't go a day without looking at it, checking to see if there's any new posts to comment on. If I were to be accepted like I promised a few people and myself I would permanently stay this time around until it had died and now I can really say I will. I miss this clan, and you guys. I just really want to be with you guys again and live out the rest of my career with you guys <3

How we can benefit from you as a member: I can be Shmevin's legal ass slave as usual. But um, I can obviously post daily without hesitation, keep you guys active, post art, host servers and anything really. Just don't trust me with betting. I go crazy.

So that about sums up my love and application for the place.

ALSO! I drew the pink panther with color pencils today here's the result!

Excuse the picture explaining my dog's secret love with SkulFuk

Bolded yes.
Loving the pictures.
One question. The last clan you were in was pigeonHive.
Why did you leave them?
Last edited by Coff; Jul 16, 2012 at 08:46 AM.
Tom, and Athin we're some of the nicest people I've met, but they went to be soooo inactive I couldn't do anything and then xR3eapzX or how ever its spelled was a complete utter fuck.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
Tom, and Athin we're some of the nicest people I've met, but they went to be soooo inactive I couldn't do anything and then xR3eapzX or how ever its spelled was a complete utter fuck.

Okay. Well I see confidence and loyality in you.
You will fit in great here.
Rickmo, if u promise u don't leave AGAIN than u have my yes.
qwerty yes as well even tho i dont really know u well
Last edited by joshyjojo; Jul 16, 2012 at 11:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Just don't give me flint and steel and we'll be alright.

By the way sorry about no posting yesterday! I got Terraria on steam for 4.99 yesterday. Sweet Jesus. I'm in love.

Terraria > Minecraft

well they're kinda equal! BACK TO APPLICATIONS.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Hello my fellow -Chess mates! My names is Ultimation!(you can call me Ulti),
Im a third dan BlackBelt, Ive been playing for approximately 6 months, i live in lebanon +961
I am very good at Akido Big Dojo (which will help in winning clan wars),im also good at judo,wushu and twinswords. I play at least 8 hours a day. I like this clan very much and it would be my honor to join.
Fun Fact : Im very,Extremely,very, *Very extremely,...,....., good at chess :3
Previous Clans : Shade, Optimum, IaM, saints <---That was a mistake
Talents: Music,fighting, Games.
Last edited by ultimation; Jul 20, 2012 at 02:42 PM.
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3