Name: Richie
Age: 15
Timezone (GMT): -4 (Pennsylvania)
Belt: 2nd Black Belt
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: forum: 10 ingame: 5-6 depends.
Previous clans: DaF, VorteX, Fish, Coffee, Chess, Chess, annnnnd Chess, then pH.
Talents: I'm active as hell and I'm awesome freehand drawing. example below.
Why you want to join us: WELL! For the past maybe month or so I kept thinking of joining back and I was even asked but that really shouldn't matter. What matters is that out of ALL the clans I've hopped to this one is the ONE for me. I really did take advantage of this place and I've decided that is the best place for me. Because I love every single member in this clan, and I can't go a day without looking at it, checking to see if there's any new posts to comment on. If I were to be accepted like I promised a few people and myself I would permanently stay this time around until it had died and now I can really say I will. I miss this clan, and you guys. I just really want to be with you guys again and live out the rest of my career with you guys <3
How we can benefit from you as a member: I can be Shmevin's legal ass slave as usual. But um, I can obviously post daily without hesitation, keep you guys active, post art, host servers and anything really. Just don't trust me with betting. I go crazy.
So that about sums up my love and application for the place.
ALSO! I drew the pink panther with color pencils today here's the result!
Excuse the picture explaining my dog's secret love with SkulFuk