Yeah, his skills have very low cooldowns but that comes at a price of having horrible agility (2 armour at level 15). Tanking one wave of creeps will probably get you killed in a matter of seconds...
This is pretty much how i feel when I get back from work
I got the valve complete pack a while back. Never really thought about playing Dota 2... but apparently this guy loves it. I'll have to try it out this summer.
Not looking forward to official release. Elder titan requires possibly the most amount of farm to be good (Not the most amount of farm to reach full build - just the items he needs) and since pub dota are bad at farming. I think it will just games of lost - Unlike centaur release where it was just win if you had him. (11/0 Win/Loss centaur on release day )
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech
never found that he needed massive amounts of farm to be effective, hes essentially an initiating support, used to set up massive combos, with the potential to increase his usability, depending on farm, but not as an essential part of his game.
what i did find though, is that he is one of the most difficult heroes to use, and with the change of his spirit ability, into a controlable unit, hes gna have alot more focus on micro
DotA is good, definitely better than any other mechanically speaking, same for skill cap, there is just so much more, I played DotA a lot because of that, but now I'm playing LoL again. For some reason it's just more fun for me.