Originally Posted by moodzy View Post
hi guys just finish up my school [exams] , so how is the clan , and why is it inactive D:

cool i think u died! XD jk
and yep ur clan is forum innactive Mud u should pm each member to post here
just a fancy signature
yeah , i dont dat , and i kicked some people and add new , hope they do well
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
hi my name ibrahim mohammd abd aljbar from iraq , i new membar in this clan ,,, thnx for MudJad thnx .

ibrahim abd aljbar
hahahah , welcome my bro , welcome
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
So inactive.
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
/Invade I apologize for the invasion but one of your members Fantomeex is giving this clan a bad name. In akido he is lifting and shoveling more then me during a snowy Canadian winter. Just a heads up, because no one likes a noob like that.

-With love and respect from the Dufus!
well , i am kicking his ass now , and i am going to be inactive for a while i guess
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
yeah but i will fix that problem soon
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜