Afternoon. Hope you don't mind me posting here, if you check my post history you'll probably see I was last active a few years ago. I was also somewhat of a kiddy d-bag too. Anyway I just reinstalled TB and realized why I enjoyed playing and being on the forums, I'm probably going to be much more forum active than game active due to work commitments and Tea seems nice and social.
Anyway about me, I'm a 20 y/o Firefighter/EMT-I from Johannesburg, South Africa. Learnt in the last few years not to take anything too seriously, myself included. I'm not hugely into gaming, used to be but don't have the time anymore but TB is nice thanks to the short time intervals needed. Like I said earlier I'll be much more active forumwise because I can browse while on my cell when I'm on duty, I don't have wifi at work unfortunately so playing will be at home when I get off.
Oh and I'm a Blackbelt. I'm a bit rusty though so gonna take a while till I get back into the swing of things, I also dabbled with texturing but again, it's been a while. TB is probably just going to be something to distract me from work related stuff, similar to cooking. Been recommended to find a hobby or two that aren't related to people dying or things catching fire IRL haha. So yea, that's me. If you guys feel cool with me hanging around then awesome, if not then no sweat.
PS I'm not on IRC, mainly cause I'm a technonoob but if there's anyway to get it up and running on my mobile then I'll be all over that shizzle.
Have a good week
Edit to add: If you guys aren't keen on me joining, would it be cool if I hung around here just to chat really? If not then no problemo but thought I might as well ask.
Last edited by Naaier; Apr 8, 2014 at 05:02 PM.
Reason: Added more text.