Hello, I am posting my application to your clan after being allowed to apply again
Before presenting myself I would like to point out that I have been in the clan before
I just forgot to say that I had to get my laptop fixed (could have used phone but I forgot about doing that at that moment) I got my laptop fixed but I using my desktop computer to do this so I don't got all the replays I really wanted to show
anyway here's the info:
Real Name: Shawn
In Game Name: KDstyles
Best Game Mods: don't really know yet
In terms of what "makes me a monk", I respect other's I try
to get better and help other members and people (if im any help)
I wouldn't try to be better then anyone I'll just try my best.
and to describe myself, I am interested in anything that goes on that catches my eye
and I would be willing to show you the stuff I know. I don't ask for much I just ask for someone to help me learn new stuff.
And if I am able to join the Monastery I hope I can be helpful in it
but if don't get to be some kind of help then I will be disappointed in myself
and the clan might be disappointed in me.
Now i know what your thinking "Your a orange belt..." well i will clear that through pms, to BBKing and TimmyBoyG I have never ever been banned. (Just so u know)
Hello My name is Matthew. I love football or soccer if your American. I like to challenge myself stepping out of my bubble. I've been reading all of the apps to get a good step ahead of good and bad apps, So first I have never used to "N word" in my whole life even though I may be wacky but I can be serious when it comes to things like cheating or unacceptable behavior. I know 2 people from this clan which is : Mack and Hasea , So i met Mack by in game but mostly from and org that i'm in [TTO] (Toribash Trickers Organization). And how I met Hasea is from in game at sparring servers mostly and we sometimes have a chat.
What makes you a Monk?
I've always thought of Monk as a high Standard Clan , Well Organized and Produced , Very active and Skillful ,all the best things a Clan would need. I think I can help with those things even more and make a Clan even better. I try to be forum active and i think i'm doing okay with it so since this is an alt.
What could I add to to Monk?
I can add some more sparring and tricking to this clan. I'm not amazing but I always try and learn new things. I will help out with sparring and tricking gleefully and happily.
GMT +/- 0
My clan History
With my alt First (CriDis) Why i left ? Because nothing much going on and Inactive , (Different Light) Why I left ? Same there , (Neko) Clan becoming dead then I switched accounts I told them That and they Invited me to (Neko) again (Before it was almost dead) Then (Roman) I left for here.
Show my skill
This is a different computer with none of my replays with it but when i get back i'll edit it and post them but for now here's a video of them