Just wanted to come here and say, i'd appreciate it if one of your clan members and one of this clans leaders, who was multi-clienting could have more respect of the rules and towards players following them. Calling me a "freak" and "lamer" as well as claiming you'll ruin my reputation is a bit rude. I won't name the leader who was multi-clienting, however I will name the other player who called me a freak and such. manila777. Feel free to argue against me and such, but I probably wont reply, and yes, it was in an official tourney in which he did this.
Have a good day ~~~
Fadibob, though i appreciate that explanation and how polite you are, they could have just explained it in the tourney instead of one leaving then calling me things such as a freak :P Apologies if they both wanted to play but next time they should say instead of one leaving and insulting the one who mentioned it. Btw, i dont 100% believe that his brother and him mced on the same pc but i'll trust your word :P toodles~ Next time, dont insult people~~~