I'm aware of how the ranking system works, By losing wars we allow clans
that are behind us on the clan list to get ahead of us.
If we constantly keep losing wars against clans with a bad rank they will go
up. In order for them to go up we will go down :P
Sparkour isn't the clan bank ffs! It says 5ickflick is the clan bank
. Id like to stay more active
also, How about we war tomorrow 5:00 Gmt +0? I understand if people can't make it but
Id like to meet all the new recruits in game. Also who wants to be in charge of the recruitment thread?
That parkour was... Interesting. Maybe to improve try to learn how to run for the whole replay
I will start a real event soon... And maybe even do a clan video
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jun 2, 2015 at 08:47 PM.