The problem with you KillerBotX is that you've been pumping out the same replays for almost 2 years now if you want to actually replaymake, dedication, effort and time is key, if you're not willing to improve, what's the point?
That replay right there was actually alright, but your lack of dedication annoys me.
It's a shame to see such great people with great potential crush it themselves by not pushing and striving to get better.
You have your hits and speed on point, but you're just unable to chain them together well.
If you want your replays to look like this, by all means ignore this cnc but that's up to you.
Now I'll cnc the replay.
Too close to uke for my liking, makes it harder to hit.
Basic opener.
This is more of a nitpick, but I dislike how asymmetrical your hits are.
Floppy arm dm, looked a little sudden.
Decap and pec dm was ok.
Grab boom at the end was cool.
Skeet was good.
My advice to you is to try come up with something new, or different, not pump out the same thing for over a year straight.