View Poll Results: Rate my Heads!
9 Votes / 8.82%
9 Votes / 8.82%
22 Votes / 21.57%
17 Votes / 16.67%
45 Votes / 44.12%
Voters: 102. You may not vote on this poll
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i love my head its very good but can you make at the left and the right side more tribles?? i have 2k tc and if its good ill give you 1k more ^^
Last edited by glade; Dec 29, 2008 at 01:04 PM.
<@RedDevil> sup glade :3
* @RedDevil sits on glade
Originally Posted by Pwnzor93 View Post
@ColonKumquat - Wil do


Do you pay for Advertising?
Last edited by ColonelKumquat; Dec 29, 2008 at 04:00 PM.
<Grumpyman2> Kumquat, you make me cry in so many different languages.
Dude, you could really jack up the prices a bit... Those heads are REALLY nice.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Dude, you could really jack up the prices a bit... Those heads are REALLY nice.

No offense but the heads are just tribal brushes there.
Evreone can do some tribals very easy/Unless your talking about BenDover who edit his tribals and come out in somthing nice.
The only thing that he does that let it looks nice is the "eyes" nothing else.
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Deathsoldi someoneelse has said the same thing- I mix my brushes together when I do use them - some were done alot in handrawn (Like blinding fire)

My heads take about 2hours each-depending- Also you cannnot buy Void of Toxins as it was already sold..
like the heads
but you rely too much on tribals
plus all the eyes look the same
I'm not bad at this! I just forgot to win
my favorite head!
*Ahem* Do You Pay For Advertising? If not, I will anyway :3

And how's that head coming?
<Grumpyman2> Kumquat, you make me cry in so many different languages.