Original Post
Bounty Hunting
Bounty Hunting: Here you will bounty hunt a person for money.
You must place a NEW replay of you defeating this person.
Each time a replay of this person being defeated is posted I will update the hunted and let someone else
have themself put through misery. If you acually in geting a replay,
100-20k credits will be sent to you depending on the replay.(or he will have an automatic prise on his head)
Also once A replay is posted (no more than 1) you cannot post another one
expecting to gain credits until the hunted person is changed. Im not
sure idf this will work but its worth a shot.(this bounty thing that is)

The Wanted: If you are the one who every one is wanting to fight,
1: dont exit during a battle
2: try to be a little more active than usual on tb
3: respect the perosn fighting you
4: you must win the match to claim the prize
5: Have fun

EDIT: New rule: a witness is also needed so makesure your replay is not boguss.
EDIT: I have a new idea... If you want to post a bounty, and a prise for there arm dismember, head decap, ect.
be my guest in posting. Just you will be held responsible for the credits if they are bountied, Thank you,
Last edited by marcus; Jul 20, 2008 at 11:33 AM.
Re: Bounty Hunting
Originally Posted by Pain_Baller
Ok ther have not been many bounties up lately.
So here is one.

In Judo.
Decap me.
Remove my right Sholder.
Remove my left Glute.
all in one fight.
Reward 1000 creds.
you have to win also.

Have fun and good luck

Glute must be removed from leg.
Shoulder must be removed from arm.

I have changed the bountie on me. ^
Re: Bounty Hunting

300 for decap.
50 per dm AFTER decap.
25 per dm BEFORE decap.
Grab my head and dq me with it by throwing/smashing: +100.
Gametypes: No demo or non official (not included with download of tb).
Re: Bounty Hunting
Hey, this is pretty interesting.. I think I'll put up a bounty for me!
If anyone can split me in half, in any room except the mod rooms, I shall give them 100 credits! Simple yes, but it's good to have some spare change. XP
Re: Bounty Hunting
i had watch it a few times before it believed it =)
If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving isn’t for you. --- Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. --- Some people are like slinkys... They aren't good for anything, but they're still fun to watch fall down the stairs --- Bomb Squad: If you see us running, try to keep up
Re: Bounty Hunting
It cas already been discussed that self decaps dont count.
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Re: Bounty Hunting hands dident tuch his head....but i pushed him into the ground......
I'm sure that i would be convicted of murder if i did that in real life...he dident remove his head, i did, by forcing him to the ground. I'll stand by hampa's decision, if he dosent think it counted, well, then he dosent have to pay.
If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving isn’t for you. --- Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. --- Some people are like slinkys... They aren't good for anything, but they're still fun to watch fall down the stairs --- Bomb Squad: If you see us running, try to keep up