Another Idea for us, try to keep the first post clean and better, coz i think it is kinda weird. A clean first page would be nice, and maybe... Lets just... delet ALL the posts in this DSC, just desatroy this all strange posts and start again with better posts.
Coz, you know, almost all the posts here are useless.
Other Things:
-Clan Story
I made a poem to see if we can handle the fail:
"Hey pure, lets try again
Lets be stronger
Turn Around and Win!
Hey dark, lets do it better
Lets do it too
Lets try harder
And get official soon
Hey Guys, lets start it over
Lets put another coin
And dont get the gameover
Lets search
For the peacefull spark
And together
Lets be the PureDark"
Last edited by TheNine99; Feb 12, 2011 at 03:26 PM.