Show us what you can draw based on what we have so far:

A water tentacle monster which can absorb more water to grow and grow and you can see bones, blood and flesh inside the water from victims and its a mouth is wide open letting out a huge skin tearing rawr!
Sup soak, I'm your newest and favorite member ;)
I'll be active asf.
Now, lemme go eat the pizza that just arrived. :P
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Show us what you can draw based on what we have so far:

A water tentacle monster which can absorb more water to grow and grow and you can see bones, blood and flesh inside the water from victims and its a mouth is wide open letting out a huge skin tearing rawr!

pls no i'm playing league of legends right now
cage the gargoyle
M8 plz...league of noobs.

Anywho, I have 5k posts, fuck you all bitches! Bow down to me

Also, thinking of applying for Official now. I am 90% sure we will get it
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Welcome Kas ;) I like how you are our favorite member already :3

hells yea, I'm everyone's favorite. Well.. Until they let me have a slice of their pizza
Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
pls no i'm playing league of legends right now

LoL eyyy?
Never play that. I might give it a go sometime.

Oh yea, #GBRules
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
Adding this sexy user card to the first page As well as Taf's card too.

BTW, I have a spare anime avatar. It's edited very nicely by Caveiser, who wants it?
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
M8 plz...league of noobs.

Anywho, I have 5k posts, fuck you all bitches! Bow down to me

Also, thinking of applying for Official now. I am 90% sure we will get it

I joined this clan at the right time? lel I'm good at being active.
and when applying for official, patience is key as the *mumbles* gms...admins...mods whatever the fuck they are, take they're time looking at the app.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
BTW, I have a spare anime avatar. It's edited very nicely by Caveiser, who wants it?

ME! NOW! pls <3
Last edited by iKas; Oct 16, 2014 at 06:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
Clan Application
Clan name: Soak
Clan tag: Soak
Link to your clan's thread:
Link to any external forums if you are using one: We don't have any.
Clan subtitle: (optional)
Leaders name: Kradel & Kradoxtb But Kradel paid for the clan and banners so I guess that makes him the main leader.
Moderators you want for your board: If this doesn't include leaders, Melqart (and 2 others who want it) but if it does include leaders, Kradel, Kradoxtb and (who wants it?)
If you get rejected, who to send the 25K refund to: SoakBank

Look good? I dont know who the moderators should be though :3