Anyone even play Mord here? He's practically my main and my highest record with him is 42 - 16~defeat
shame because my two other companions were pricks and decided to leave the game before it ended, we almost won goddermit.
Also Fiora is kinda goo, I got 18 - 7~victory on my first try with her (which is kinda yesterday because she got listed on the free-to-play list :v)
Latest game with Mord, I have 2 skins with him (Infernal and Dragon Knight)
On a side note, don't you think that people who says that Mord should be a tank is retarded? Like, come on. just because he looks like one doesn't mean he's a tank. His first role is a warrior, and second, a mage, I use the mage more (yes yes pure AP Mord) because he can carry the whole team and do a penta kill in the late game :3
He also can defeat Fizz, Lux, Katarina, Annie, LeBlanc etc. on mid (yes when I play Mord, I always want mid) 50/50 on Akali though. 0 chance of beating Swain.
My first Fiora game, whaddya guys think?
Last edited by Rhaemond; Jan 28, 2014 at 04:28 PM.