Hello members of [T]. I believe you are an elite clan. I Want to take a chance in asking for recruitment into your fine clan.
Here is a little bit about me... My name irl is Rajin pronounced Ra-Jeen You may think it is a.. odd name but I'm from Bangladesh (Somewhere in Asia)... Now personally I think that I am am somewhat pretty good for a 2nd Dan Black Belt.. I am a gifted jouster and learning to spar.. So far i think i am somewhat good at sparring you know because i started in august 2015.. I think most of you amazing folk's can help me. I'm A 16 Year Old Male living in Raleigh NC. I have about 8 thousand toricredit's right now and I've been thinking. Before any of this amazing sparring stuff I was somewhat gifted at jousting. That was against fellow blue and green belts. Now that I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt I do my work at the public jousting server. My first time was almost a disaster. But most of the folks there were great sports so it wasn't THAT bad.
But enough about me I want to know about YOU [T] I can learn that if I am Recruited at your Fabulous Clan. Please Consider me [T] Good Bye for now!!!