What gender are you: Male.
Do you understand how to work an oven: Yes.
If you have an exceptionaly delectable cookie recipe that you think we may find useful please explain the ingredients and cooking process: Add "Tonic" to "danone".
What merit badges have you attained so far and what merit badges do you plan on working for:Climbing a wall.
Is it dobbys fault: Ask him.
Do you have any special expertise such as braiding hair, baking or sowing: No.
Rewrite Abraham Lincolns famous speach as a incredibly descriptive recipe to bake our world renowned Wood Elf™ cookies: No.
Why the fuck do you want to join a cookie-themed clan anyway: Because I like coukies and I want to be with people who like it as well.
All of you, no hard feelings, but Sirl has the right of it. Truthfully the application is simply a formality, hence the ridiculous questions. If you are well known among the clan or do something to catch the eye of either Orko or Me then you have a much higher chance of acceptance than if you simply appear out of the blue. Not to sound elitist, but this is a close knit group of people, and randoms (well established or not) have a very low chance to get in.