Good news I think, I'm totally dumping the "hibernation" thing, I'm back for a while!
So, will I be re-accepted to MFR?
[Colon 3]
Of course poo! We need you, i don't care if you spam or not (it's nice if you don't), it doesn't feel the same really...
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
I believe your last rank was luitenient, grats! Your tag is [MFR-Lt] but post your app anyways, we need to know what to put in the members thread.
Last edited by CRASH3R; Apr 9, 2010 at 09:40 PM.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Idk if you saw my edited post but if you didn't, re post your app please, we need the info for the member list
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Name (in game): Pooman123

Belt: 2nd dan

Favorite Mod (aikido, wushu, jousting, twinswords, tk, kickbox etc.): wushu, kb, and aikido

Activity (in game and forums-HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW): forum- high ingame- low

Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this): reekondub invited me

Are you respectful? yes

Do you swear overall loyalty?: yes

Do you make textures?: nope

Do you have boosters? If yes, how many?: nope

How will you benefit the clan?: I'm very active and I can donate some items from time to time and stuff like that.

What tactic would you like?(Power, Luck, Drunken, Precision, Runner, Sneaky, Failer, Flyer, Planner, Spoon Master): Precision

Ban/Infraction History: couple infractions for useless posts and 1 ban for infraction build-up. That was like 2 years ago though

Anything else: nope
Last edited by DJ; Apr 9, 2010 at 10:22 PM.
[Colon 3]
in the recruitment center, not her....

and precision? show meh teh replayz

and your infractions, not from 2 years ago, you weren't here 2 years ago.
Shooouuuwwww mmeehh tehh repplayz 4 p0w3r!!1 lol, you didn't show us a replay for power when you chose it ^
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.