Name (Real name): Muzu
Gender: Male (?)
Age: 18
Gmt: +3
Belt: well, in sum it seems like master belt (check my skillz yo)
Why do you want to join: aight, mainest reason is - MrJingles (hi bb). Anyway, duck is strong clan which can help me to raise my skill in SP and MP thing, plus I got many friends and homies here.
Past Clans: Hack, UssR, Vector and other RuTori clans.
Why did you leave your past clan?: hi, those clans are dead now, rip
What can you offer? : both of in-game and and forum active, + I can be usefull with rank and other events thing which can help to your clan to get in №1.
Infraction/ban history (please be honest): Yes, I was banned for acc. sharing in past.
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: If only I had an uncle but no, fuck uncles.
Invited by some one?: MrJingles and Delayer.
Special Skills?: Spar skills, dueling and a little bit of SP skills
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: memes)))))))))))))))))))))))000 xdxdxdxd (no)
Playercard: -
Sp/mp replays:
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?: hipotibor, please be my lord
Special thanks to Jingles for his skill of making borsch and pelmenis, thanks my dear