I don't even know if I'd be able to wear my current items in TBN"
most likely I won't spend another 1000 hours to get back to where I am."
By default
Hampa is giving you back your items if you ask, as
you've worked or purchased them, you're entitled to them, so by losing you QI in Toribash Next
you would simply be losing the ability to recognize who is experienced and who isn't. As well as leveling the playing field as far as what Toribash Next Items you can buy. There would be no penalty as far as items. you would "lose" nothing in Next.
Next will have its own items, and have its own gear, locked behind
its own Toribash Next QI restrictions, no connection to Toribash QI. It's not being shared between two games.
He IS MAKING an alternate branch in the economy not altering the current one. (TC is a different story)
Everyone will have to work for. But if you have God Belt QI going into Toribash Next. That's
not fair. you'd be able to have access to Toribash Next God Belt QI leveled items.
WILL have to reset, because all items in Toribash Next should be worked for or purchased in the same way they were in Toribash. And if QI is transferred over then that
will not be the case.
QI restrictions
will be removed for items you
already own in Toribash Next. Even if you're a white belt in Next.
This is what Hampa is implying by starting over from white belt, but giving you back your shit you own and worked for.
It will give everyone a blank slate to work up to buying and purchasing NEW Toribash Next gear and items.
But this has no connection to the shit you already own as you will be able to get all that back.
So let me re-word this...
Toribash Next needs to have an
ALTERNATE QI progression. This is what i mean by Reset. Not wiping your QI on the original Toribash.
Last edited by matarika; Jul 4, 2019 at 10:59 PM.