But I think we should vote like ponzo said. I an agreeing with him because the clan should decide who they want to serve as ldr when one of th main Ldr quit tb.
Gamer doesn't have the guts to get banned. (I probably don't either....)
And I'm pretty sure this is just a spam thread.
Anyways, noticed your clan is being discussed....gl
Custombelt | I'm back after 5 years! ;)
PM me if your selling items, buying anything and everything!
I have no control over my mind how i act is unvolintary only rarly do i act as i am truely and bloobing iv never even seen u banned XD when did i say that
Teh I get what your saying. This is not a spam thread ether. Where discussing about co-ldr's. I apologize if this thread isn't going to well, but I always try to make things better. Thx for trying to help.