Perhaps that idea but you can do a few mini tournaments for each belt level, whoever is the victor from each belt level participates in a final tournament, like a blue belt finalist would go against a brown belt finalist to make it kinda even. No alts allowed obviously, like my idea?
I like it. Just after you get Viper's approval, PM me with the date, I'd like to at least observe it. I don't get in-game much. My laptop overheats too fast.
Edit: Please. ;P
80 participants? Uhm, that would end up in a big big organization/planning time and also a long running time. That sounds more like a big championship than a clan event.
What I actually have in mind is to reactivate my realism event.
I created some 3d animations with toris some month ago (real recorded human fighting moves shown up on Toris). Users have to rework the movements as realistic as possible at Toribash.
I re-upload the movies later and create a small page for that incl. a movie player to show them up.
Actually, this, or something unique like this, sounds really cool. A mundane fighting tournament seemed kinda... overdone, so I wasn't posting.
Anyone have any other ideas? Not that Vipers is bad, but it's always good to hear multiple ones.