It was more like advice, we wasted more than a page XD i didn't realise untill i was looing at your join dates
I should really find a clan.
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
this is tgs, topics aren't actually a thing

on the above (wise) advice

i has a question for all an any to answer -
do make the girl scout cookies from real girl scouts ?
an if so can i get a recipe please ?
Signature Permissions no
Originally Posted by Hate View Post
Orko, you have a very high qi, have you heard of a person known as Victor?

Yeah, why?

Originally Posted by judd666 View Post
on the above (wise) advice

i has a question for all an any to answer -
do make the girl scout cookies from real girl scouts ?
an if so can i get a recipe please ?

Yes, they are made by real girl scouts working around the clock in musty sweatshops in some undisclosed location in a Ukrainian war zone.
Originally Posted by Hate View Post
It's okay Lilith, please, i'm not a kid, i dislike kids, kids are horrible and immature.

no idea

but ragging on people because they act like a kid isn't cool, seeing as how there's absolutely nothing more fun than acting like a 12 year old. i also can't think of a lamer insult than calling someone immature

i can guarantee you're not over 18 anyways, so you're still a kid too and have no room to talk
Last edited by millie; Aug 6, 2014 at 06:49 PM.
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
no idea

but ragging on people because they act like a kid isn't cool, seeing as how there's absolutely nothing more fun than acting like a 12 year old. i also can't think of a lamer insult than calling someone immature

i can guarantee you're not over 18 anyways, so you're still a kid too and have no room to talk

Well, i agree on some parts.
I should really find a clan.
stop posting pls
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.