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On the topic of the Trinity Force...
All those stats that hardly do anything you mean? I just don't see the point of a "jack of all trades, master of none" item because then, sure, you'll have a ton of stats but you'll never be incredibly powerful because there's not that much going on. It's like saying a Doran's Blade is a great late-game item.
No, you're comparing apples and oranges because you're mixing up two different concepts.
Gold efficiency means that for the amount of gold you put in, the stats you receive are greater than the average value of those stats converted into gold value.
Slot efficiency means that for the slot that the item takes up, it provides a greater amount of stats and utility than it could be provided with another item.
You're looking at the stats and ignoring the passives. Nobody upgrades items for solely the stat increases, they upgrade for the passives that late game items provide. Without it's passive, IE would be a waste to build because it's not gold efficient. TF is already gold efficient, and it's slot efficient because it provides the two strong passives of two component items, adds additional stats and buffs the passives further, then compresses all of them into one item.
To best explain this, there is a point where there is stat redundancy. Yasuo is an easy champion to help show this. Because of his passive, assuming 5% crit runes, Yasuo can max out crit chance with a statik shiv and an ie. Any further purchases into crit chance are not slot efficient, and not gold efficient, because you're wasting gold on stats that cannot be further increased or do not scale as well as you expend more money into the stat. Likewise, attack speed reaches redundancy on an adc when you can no longer effectively kite without wasting your extra attack speed. This forces you to remain stationary for maximum usage, which is a death sentence. Hence why past certain attack speed values, any further purchases are no longer gold efficient, and probably not slot efficient.
Hence why TF has great slot efficiency. It has passives which are hard, if not impossible ignoring outright stupidity, to interfere with slot or item efficiency, and it provides a great well rounding of stats that you can then supplement with more specialized items. The end result has less waste and more slot efficiency because every item is using it's full potential and it supplements in several fields as well.