I don't want this to hurt my image, but I have to point out that I have had forum experience with sites like Enjin, BioWare forums, and forums for Minecraft. I'm fully aware of how forums work. Also, in note to the edit issue, it's just that something was going wonky with my internet, so when I clicked the edit button, I just got a perpetual loading sign. The edit button is now in use again. Again, I don't want to sound like I'm being a jerk, I just wanted to clarify
P.S. One more thing, I'm going to have to wait a month for the animation program to get into gear if it's needed. I'm having some personal issues right now. I won't be able to access the programs I need for some time now. In the meantime, I will try to be more active on the forums, since that is what you so wish, and try again another day if this doesn't work out.