#Orientguy: I'm going to say no to you.
The opener of the first replay was pretty ordinary. The first kick was nice though even if you were a bit stiff after that.
You could have done some dm more in the decap.
I don't understand why you've grabbed the abs and the lumbar in the second replay, it was pretty usefull such as the head throw.
Grabby, messy and stiff... nothing more to say. The skeet shot was too simple imo.
#Treadmill: No imo. Reasons below.
Fist one is an hacked replay, stop it at the frame 827 and in the following frame you see that his foot is brocken and he haven't done that arm dm.
The second replay was pretty messy and it wasn't anything impressive.
The third opener was a wushu opener (i mean it's too ordinary), the decap looked too weak and then you've done some useless and stiff moves before the pose(?).
And What a surprise, in the third replay you moved uke in the frame 910.
#Rigellion: I'm pretty undecided. Probably if i see more replays i can take a decision.
Oh well. The first replay was pretty nice. Nice boomhit you made here. The only flaw i can see is that sometimes is a bit grabby.
The skeet was unnecessary but the whole replay was nice though.
Also the second one was nice. It was pretty fast even if some hits were a bit messy.
The punch in the third replay looked a bit stiff and weak. The boomhits were nice as the other replays but i don't like so much this one.
Sometimes looked a bit slow imo.
I'm not a recruiter so these sentences are not official. These are only my opinions.
I'll comment the other guys later.
Last edited by Pulse; May 17, 2010 at 04:48 PM.