Secret Santa 2024
Okey Kord

Balanced - so do better. But it have to be a computer chip with original "Nano(r)" somewhere. Our corporation logo to put on the ground texture and the little version somewhere over the body. And just as a oficial clan logo.
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 17, 2009 at 03:06 PM.
Funny way to die :)
Gumfighter - I'll PM ya.

Kordiss - You're always welcome, you are a great player.

Pierce - No, we are 2nd dan up. And active on forums.

Baku - looking good so far. Would like to see the results. But dont post ALL your progress here, i want to be surprised. But dont put me in the back :O :P

All in all... looking good guys :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, i just got the M609 tablet.... its pretty frigging awesome imo
Hey guys,i know that you will be surprised but here goes
Belt: 4tt dan
Activity in a day (forums and game): 5-6 hours a day
Why should you be in:well i know all of the members here (most of them) i am friends with most of them, i still like this clan and i want to be in a solid clan
Your favourite Color: toxic, void ,pure

i think know the answer already :/ but im giving it a try ...
Last edited by micho; Mar 17, 2009 at 03:26 PM.
YES of course. You were helping a lot in recruitment, and all.
Thats to micho.
BTW. qq5ben, you could be more active in-game. I see you are making textures and art all the time but the game itself is important too.
Three pictures were too smal :P Us new Koridss and new Baku, new Playaj and new Metro image to clan photo.

I made clan photo sketch. Best postions that can be. Use this picture or just pose my pictures like that. Much work with it but - it is sweet

And two versions with clan logo. I like the second one more.

Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 17, 2009 at 03:46 PM.
Funny way to die :)