For those who are having troubles at farming: just no matter what champ you go, if you suck at farming, just take AD runes until you learn how to last hit. What's the point of extra ability power or hp if you are getting outfarmed by your opponent a lot? After you learn how to auto attack with extra ad, remove one ad rune (from 15ad to 13ad +3ap or so) and try again. With every match you will become better and after all you can do it with zero extra ad.
You can say: wtf, how I will do dmg or how I will tank that guy? Simple, if you get +~30 more cs before minute 10 than before, it is worth. You will buy better item than you could buy before runes swape and after all you can also AUTO ATTACK enemy when you don't attack any minion with your EXTRA AD. Just practise. When laning, you should get 70+ cs before 10 minute mark, otherwise just listen to my tip.
So you get them all, levels 1-4, full tank masteries and runes. Jesus even LCS pros can't do that.
Why go easy mode when you can just train at hard(real) mode from the beggining?
i would love to see you manage to beat LCS, and basically any high ranking person with full ad runes, or magically preparing every single creep to perfect farming, bro i'm silver 3 and i know how much people harrass in the early game (aka, whenever they actually can in silver) and it's impossible to get every single cs (or get 200 cs by 20 mins if not regi on karthus but thats completely different ) especially when you have: A, a support with a relic shield, technically you don't "get" that cs but you get the gold and exp (dat item), you got a jungler who will take "compensation" if he ganks, you've got other lanes that might take compensation when they gank or take to quickly push in the lane (insert 5 man push mid after one kill no cares given bronze tactics strategy here).
TLR. you're post is quite stupid, the only way you're going to learn to cs properly with a champ is to play with the runes you want and learn that way, don't give stupid advice of "take full attack runes #Kappanation it halps you lrn 2 cs btr bcz you cant harrass unless you're an AD mid rly except with your auto's whch will do more then your abilities". honestly, i think you might be a little defunked in the head, but thaaaaaaaaats just my opinion.
TLR. i think he's dumb
Lolmao. Oh well, ok. I see that everyone here are so good at this game. Dunno why u can't reach at least gold then. Also, I won't win even with the best runes set versus no runes lcs player, same like you won't win with any runes versus me without runes. Runes is just early advantage. If u suck at cs'ing take ad and get advantage at the part where you're bad. Cause late game that +15 ap means nothing while +15 ad gave you over 150cs.
Also, I wouldn't go ad runes by my own on my acc. Why? Because I can last hit and practised that way years ago, guess why I am not in that low league now.
It's a new season, less than 100 ranks played.
Buuuuut if I hit Gold don't worry, I'll be sure to make a point of it. You're so full of yourself. None of us need +15 ad to get 150 creeps. Rofl.
God Now