I had other things to do. There's a lot going on right now and all that's happening needs a lot of attention for obvious reasons. Did you know about the Changelings and the Griffons working together now?
Leader of nothing
Yes I Did. Crizzy Or Chry Came And Spoke To Me Yesterday After Talkign And Gettign The Alliance, Wich Gilda Destoryed And Kicked Them Out... But... They Only wanted To Get A Place Where They Could Create A Cattle Farm So They Didnt NEed To Hunt But. Now Its Broken But Shes Still Buildign VIllages Outside the New City. But I Got Info From Crizzy Yesterday, I Thinks Its An Hard Conpsiracy Behind All This. Well The Bowaks Dont Read Minds They Talk On Waves Like A Radio For Example. Difrent Waves For Difrent things But THen It Was The mother Crystal Wave. And That Whats So wierd. The Bokwas Has A Name For Gilda. Shes the Watcher And the Watcher Protects The Mother Crystal. As Gilda Brung Life Into It And Now Is Seen As The Pure Wing By The Bowaks. As We Spoke Crizzy Said They Had A Name For Me But She Couldnt Tell Why I Had It Cause The Bowaks Froced Her. Im Called Spark By Them, But She Keept On Talkign Then After A While she Went Crazzy And Spamed "The Watcher Protects the Mother Crystal" Then Went Offline. I Think She Teird Tellign me Why Im Called Spark But Im Worried Now But Gilda Said She Was Sleepign And Now Shes In The New Town. But Theres A New Religion. The Eye Off the Strom. Wch Is A Relgion For Gilda, She Sees Her self As A Godess. And Now Shes Goign To Canterlot To Talk Whit Tia About Gettign Seeds For Farms As they Only And Moslty Have Fish To Eat

We know about the religion. It's called Order of storm, everypony's talking about it, and there are large numbers of ponies seeking out the Empire to join it all across Equestria.
Leader of nothing
They're going to the Empire because of the promise of "food that never ends", provided by the Watcher... Gilda. I know if she let's ponies join, they'll have to work, but that's no different from here, everypony has to work but there they work for food and not money. It's a pretty good system if you ask me, no currency. But you do have to worship Gilda, which again isn't that different from here.
Leader of nothing
Well Ye. Atleast No Wars Ext. But right Now That Food That NEver Ends Is Fish By Now Shes Gonna Ask for Seeds Waeth Ext from Tia So Preapre For That