Despite you never freaking listening to me, you and I will be the best lane duo ever at some point.
Holo and I went into a public game yesterday. Ashe/Kayle bot. I wasn't using Kayle as a "Support", just more of a harasser. Still got a Doran Ring because I figured he'd miss most of the CK anyways.
Think I got first blood, Holo picked up a double kill, and bot lane combined had 13 kills before the 15 minute mark.
I really do think Kayle is underplayed. She is a BAD ASS. So hard to lose lane when your opponent for almost no mana can auto attack you as if it were a nuke.
Also: anybody got Tips on a good Evelynn build? I usually get the magic jungle item, followed by an hour glass, into a magic wizard hat
dream team with mediocre Ashe ults
If anyone is stuck in a certain elo, smurf or not, chances are that they deserve it
Can't argue with that logic. This topic is quite widely discussed in LoL community and there are two sides: The ones that think they are worthy of being in higher tier, tho they say that they can't get there because of trolls and whatever and the ones that claim that "you're where you should be". It really depends from the player tho.
I personally never thought I was worthy of platinum, because I always got behind. Was getting outfarmed and outplayed most of the times which is why I started over. However, I was really, really surprised when I got into bronze after winning 5/5 and had trouble getting out of there. My KDA was perfect all the times and outfarming someone in bronze is not that hard, especially in EUNE. This is exactly the reason why I hate people that are like "If you can't carry your whole team to victory, you should stay in bronze". That's not how this game works. Oh and getting out from silver seems to be way easier than getting out of bronze, atleast for me, and that says something.
if you are stuck in any elo, just go sion Yorick bot lane, it will be pain in the ass for the enemy adc, and you will carry the game hard.
Ask me, i tried it
I think there are GAMES that are unwinnable because of your team mates, but that entire leagues you shouldn't get stuck in unless you deserve to be there. However, I think it should be said there's tons of different reasons for why you deserve to be there. For some people, it could be because of bad last hitting ability, it could be because your sense of when to team fight is bad, it could be because you're bad at positioning yourself in team fights, could be because you're making bad choices based off current map awareness and vision, could be something else I didn't list, or a combination of different things.
There are though, without a doubt, some unwinnable games. Most of them exist in low leagues because there's no integrity and feeling of "honor" so you don't feel you need to preserve your rank. When 2 or more people out of spite are suiciding on purpose, doing their own thing because the rest of the team are "noobs", no amount of speaking nicely to people, attempt at teamwork, or individual farming can make up for how fed the other team will get from your intentional feeders. Those games you can't even look at yourself like Oracle or Leyz would say and "see what you could have done better", just because in your heart you know you probably couldn't have saved those special incidents.
I know there are very specific areas in the game that I lack. I know in some parts, I'm a very very good player from years of experience with other MOBAs, but I know I'm in bronze right now because of other attributes that I'm making strides in.