omg cus i love ducks, since i saw this clan i saw a oportunity too, and this clan's growing, i want do parte of this. and... why not? i'm sexy, u guys too, i want be part of this family, and i know that u guys can help me w/ it.
Past Clans:
(One)We are One
Why did you leave your past clan?:
died, jajaja
What can you offer? :
love, and much sex, ok i'm joking, i can offer my creative mind, i'm really much creative, and i'll exaplain this when i enter.
Infraction/ban history (please be honest):
Uselles post( when i was a begginer), honestly, my infractions are just cause i was trying be a biggest marketer and i was doing a lot of infractions :<
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?:
No, i hate elephant, bye bye Uncle jack.
Invited by some one?:
no, i'm alone
Special Skills?:
mah creative mind, i can do a lot of events, and i can Shoot rays w/ my eyes, muahaha