Christmas Lottery
Where d'you stand on human rights abuse?
I'd prefer if you'd answer in understandable English please
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
That's where people are treated differently because of there race, sex, class, language + religion, correct?
Well I think it's pretty fucked that people are treated in a different way just because of how they were born. I mean, they don't get to choose there nationality/ characteristic features. I would stand on the side of supporting them, you get me? Protests and shit.

That's all I can really say. At school we studied Human Rights, not really so much how they get abused. Sorry.
Last edited by Donkey; Aug 8, 2014 at 10:55 PM.
father of philip scone
Do you submit to our plans for complete and total galactic domination:
Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being an interstellar tyrant:
Past experience on the battlefield:
If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of business be:
Express your feelings about [TGS] in the form of a poem:
Rewrite the Gettysburg Address in Klingon:
Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact each other in case of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC):
Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets or speaking to the waiters at PF Changs:
Our war machines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a preferred choice of lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it:
Is it dobbys fault:

this is your personal application form, donkey
what the fuck was this retarded application
deleting this shit so no one can see how fucking stupid i use to be
Last edited by Donkey; Aug 23, 2015 at 10:41 PM.
father of philip scone
Donkey was baited. gg
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Do you submit to our plans for complete and total galactic domination:

Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being an interstellar tyrant:

Past experience on the battlefield:
Never heard of any past.

If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of business be:

Express your feelings about [TGS] in the form of a poem:
TGS got a win in 2013
Now everybody thinks that
The cookies got a big "thing".
-"Wait, what thing?.."
Well, you know what I mean:
The thing that makes a lot of
Wet girls desperately scream.
-"But what about feelings?"
None of them are in need,
Because they're taking another win in 2014.

Rewrite the Gettysburg Address in Klingon:

Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact each other in case of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC):
I guess I do, but no.

Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets or speaking to the waiters at PF Changs:
Well, you know.

Our war machines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a preferred choice of lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it:
I wouldn't even try to apply it.

Is it dobbys fault:
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.