Yeah try slide mocho in. If any of you have sets that you have made and just dont have the texture parts to wear them, then send it to whoever is doing pics, and they will try slide you in!
And yes baku, very rough draft i hope. There is alot to work on. You need to smooth out everyone (like using the rubber tooll to fine tune)
And you should put the front 3 closer together, you can put different poses if you have to. But it looks too spread. And fix the white part there.
OK, listen up people. I have decided to take our logo to the request board.
Im estimating a prize of about 30K. I need you guys to send in money as soon as possible. As in, now! I will pay for watever you dont donate. But please do. Im expecting most of you to donate a bit
But baku i like how its going to be. Just needs work
EDIT: i can do graphics as well :P (if you mean shaders then that too)
And you see their picture!? Closer together man! We are a family :P