Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
love you tabby

I really love the knees dm, you just kicked and got both of them.

About the punches, they were fast enough to make me think that you did a singular punch and got 3 dms, and the last boom hit went pretty smooth.
LLLL was really fucking good, i got no complaints for it, pretty quick and concise, the 2nd as tabby said especially, how are you able to do that..

can you not shit out replays of this calibre like its nothing xioi please.
Awesome replay, you really let the violence loose on Desi and I was left thinking about the violence in our world and the true reality of physical altercations. Overall, really cool dropkicks, amazing setups into them, and I hope Desi is doing okay.
As i said on discord, cool stuff

Make something longer out of it with more movement within it

Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.