My application for [o]
Ingame Name-FirstHack
Belt- Brown [Main account is 3rd dan]
How long you have been playing-About a year all together not on this account
Your Age- 12
Timezone and country- +0 and im in England
Your Best mode/mod-AikidoBigDojo.tbm
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)- One on mu main basicly me and my friend were dueling against a guy first to 3 for 15k my friend said he was gonna pay if he was gonna lose and basicly my friend playd first and was gonna lose he reset i specd him he said 0-0 still draw i said 1-0 and he deopd me and muted me i was gonna play i lost but he still said 0-0 and then both of us got banned
Previous clans (if any)-
I was in rekd but some one kicked every one from it
I was in Frost But they were very inactive ingame
I was in ascend but fell into arguements and left
And i was in elite but got kicked for no reason
Personality- Im polite i dont rage im calm
Do you have a sense of humor?-Yes
Why you want to join (put some effort into this)-I want to join [o] because its a nice clan like most others and its offical but thats not the case i like how the leaders operate the clan and its pretty inactive ingame and thats what i like but i dont like clans like Frost that never are online ingame.And that this is a forum active clan in my oppinion.Players are very skilled and all.I hope i join the [o] Family
Thanks for your time
Last edited by FirstHack; Feb 2, 2014 at 12:41 AM.