i join your clan i am 3nd dan black belt and i am a very good player i am activ on forum.
bakumiszcz recomend me.
Playaj - No one is reading? I'm done, I can't do better. This is all I can do. and now YOU [Balanced, Fezch and you] have to do the rest of this. For now do this better than we will add other people.

Yes I recomend him. He speaks while playing [this is nice] he lieks instagib fast games [as me] and he have a head

10k from me - three size of logo - small for the set, medium for difrent pictures, and big for clan photo and for the main page
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 17, 2009 at 04:37 PM.
Funny way to die :)
well my favorite colour is green my birthday is in 10 may.
i like toribash and parkour and trampoline.i have been playing toribsh in 2 years.
I'm thinking about doing the photo.

Baku - received. Thanks.


Guys i made something with my new tablet. Completely hand "cartoonised except for one small filter overlya thingy :P

Its a complete cartoonise of Chuck. I like him. Here is the original. And the cartoonised one. Tell em where i can improve.