Snipping some useless page stretching of a manually posted signature. I could have just bought VIP, which not only would've allowed me to have a huge signature and get away with it, it also would allow the page stretching to be well controlled by informing me that images that are 300 pixels tall aren't really super appreciated.
Last edited by suomynona; Jun 13, 2013 at 09:17 AM.
also emoteal has not been on for 5 months why is he still co learder.
No, really, please don't post your own signature picture manually forever. For one, it wastes a good 600 bytes per post. I have been doing this for at least a while, and I have a thousand posts, meaning that I have the potential to have wasted almost a megabyte of database space just posting my own signature manually. That's a 5% of the size of the text of War & Peace. Instead, for the small price of about $17, I could have VIP, and saved about half a megabyte of storage space, AND not have gotten all of these things replaced by ridiculous texts thought up by suomynona.
Last edited by suomynona; Jun 13, 2013 at 09:15 AM.