lets use that MINIBASH thread for minibash stuff now. btw, i am playing it using my wii atm
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
I tried that game out , crap its difficult lol it could use some improvements tho .

So I need a few good men or women to design some small textures that can be place over top of existing ones . Kinda like accesories for a tori ( tattoos , rings , arm bands and so on ) I had this idea alittle while ago but I didnt put it in motion. This can make our clan some extra tc . We can sell tham as .gif files so the background of the texture is transparrent . Each can be sold from 1000 to 5000 tc depending on how detailed they are .

This would be alot easier than making a full texture and you can use the template as a guied ( or even existing textures ). Having them in 512x512 will alow us to make them very detailed but can also be sold in 128 or 256.

So what say you Hunters , wanna make the first acsessory shop ?
zyx s a single ally would be fine for me he is a good friend of mine and pitcher
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Originally Posted by Vate View Post
meh dont know who he is but if 2pro and pitcher like him then I'm fine with him

thank you vate (;
i'm sure i'm not gonna make troubles or something else