Hello People.
I am the Potatoforgfox, ruler of cats.
I bring greetings from the land of soda cans and staring at treefrogs until they stare at you.
my people have brought great offerings to appease you.
We live a life of hardship, mining to find rare and precious tc, our only form of food.
Every day my people wish for a simpler, easier way of life.
We wish to join your nation and survive, as one.
I bring with me exotic gifts, like the cough of a celebrity caught in a bottle, a soda can version of Edinburgh Castle, and a cat that can whistle.
My belt is 6th Dan,
I am very forum and ingame active.
My GMT is -4
My best mods are: mushu, akido, boshu, and ABD.
Best Wishes, Potatoforgfox.