Hello Origin, my name is Brayden, I am 17, and have depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I went to public high school for 3 years, but on my fourth year i got bullied to the point i was pulled out and am now home schooled. I can be shy and sometimes even weird, i think, but most of the time i try to get along with other people the best that I can. On the other side of things in my life that aren't depressing, i have been dating my girlfriend Haylee for 4 years. Now abit of a backstory on me. Through the ages of 8-12 i was an orphan, my parents died in a car accident so i was sent to a orphanage, and then i was adopted, that family abused me for 1-2 years so at the age of 14 i was sent back and adopted again, by the family i am currently with. This also has some part of how i got my name 'universe' as i met haylee, in the orphanage, and she used to call me her 'universe'. I was lucky to even get that name; I am a programmer of afew years, infact i started programming/coding around the age of 15, which the first language i learned was C++, after than i learned web development languages such ass, css, html, and javascript, however at this age i learned afew of my favorite languages which are Jade, Sass, and Coffeescript; I also started being intrested in graphic design in april of 2015. That's everything about me, onto the next part. Finally, i was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands; Although now i live in georgia, the united states, gmt -3:00.
What can i add
I'm guessing you want to know what i can add to the clan. Well, i suppose i can add a thoughtful, respectful, loyal, kind-hearted member. I'm hard working, if i do something wrong, i'll do what i did wrong again, and fix my mistakes. I know you guys especially D3ive are abit strict on applications, and i completely understand that, so i guess i can also be a understanding member if that means anything to you guys. Other than that im quite active in game and forum wise. I check my PMs constantly, meanwhile im ingame almost. every. day. I could definately help out in wars and events, and if you need to contact me my skype is (quantum.break), and steam is (i'll add you, kinda hard to find me). Just contact me if you need someone to chat with, or for wars or anything and i'll respond as soon as possible.
Why do you want to join
The reason i want to join is because i've seen origin play back when i was in [u]ltimate and they had good attitudes, and sportsmanship, quite the respectful bunch of people, and i enjoyed it, i don't know why i didnt attempt to join back then, i guess i didn't think i'd fit in, but i beleive this is the clan for me, and i won't give up easily. I want to be part of the amazing family that is Origin, i don't want to be a member, i want to be a friend, a family member within the team, i want to get to know everyone, have some fun times, relax, fight, and you know, be who i am without being judged (although it will happen anyways somehow). This is the reason i want to join you guys, and i beleive that i could improve in this clan.
I added 3 wushu replays i made with my friend thanatos, i will be making more, this is all i have for right now as i have to work and things, after that i will upload afew more, maybe 2 single player, and 2 multiplayer to even things out abit. I hope you enjoy them.
Thanks for reading my application, i worked very hard on it.
purple monkeys run wild in the red forest
Last edited by hanna; Aug 19, 2016 at 03:24 PM.
Reason: New application.