Christmas Lottery
well all religions sucks my religion is the best!!!


On the verge of spam...
Last edited by TomPaine; Oct 28, 2009 at 09:10 PM.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
What do you think about steven hawkings theory of gravity?

What do I think of his theory of gravity in relation to his blackhole paradox, where I stand on solutions to the paradox...?

WELLL... I don't really have the luxury of spending hours brushing up on my quantum mechanics lol but I do remember Neutron stars are pretty!

As to History; are you a religious person? The statement "why is christianity the best religion" sounds like is could more probably be worded "why is Christianity the major religion?" Without trying to offend everyone, personally I looked indepth at many of the major religions and found to believe they are all giant oxymoronish houses of corruption. I'm not saying I'm an atheist and that god doesn't exist, I'm merely saying that in my opinion over the years mankind has twisted every known religion to seek their own disgusting hypocritical benefits at the expense of human equality and human lives. Do you know what the biggest cause of unnatural death is? the cause for war? persecution? segregation is...? religion...

It's not that I do not believe in god, its that I do not believe in man.
I hold a similar sort of view to Steven Hawken's relating back,

"the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."

I hope you don't treat my opinion too harshly, we are all entitled to one at the end of the day.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Oct 28, 2009 at 10:06 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Eeep that's quite a follow up question, I hope my last answer wasn't Extremely offensive.

I've never personally seen why Darwin's theory of evolution has always been so opposed by Christianic religion, God never stated he did otherwise... Adam and Eve was a follower's impression of how we may have come about during those times, back when the world was flat.

I'd prefer not to use the word true, or truth when objectively defining something; as truth as I forementioned is an opinion but then so I guess is the term fact at the end of the day, although the entire UK education system will state that evolution is an obvious true fact today.

religion is the same as truth, religion is an opinion. Christianity has segmented into lots of different factions because they all have different opinions about the same thing.

I'd rather not invoke a science versus religion debate as its just one group of peoples opinion against another group of peoples opinion. And that's all it will ever be, it's just an opinion about something.
I have my own.
Mine is that I accept evolution from what I have personally found to be my truth. I'd like to further point out that I disconnect the idea of God from religion, As religion is just some one elses opinion about God, I am not accepting nor denying the god theory by accepting the theory of evolution.

to TP - from experience I'd say with a girl.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Originally Posted by KungFuJC View Post
to TP - from experience I'd say with a girl.

I think I would qualify this as a win and this definitely made my day lol
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