actually i did it in gimp

u need to go to Filter>Map>MapObject and u will see the option there turn it into a sphere and then change its position

but u have to do it 2 times to make a preview like this

is pretty easy so u wont get lost while doing it
Forum's Bitch

Here's a tag/logo i made

<<<i think i forgot the shadow here in the reflextion
but still it looks pretty kewl

rate it if u want tips will be helpfull
Forum's Bitch
another bump :|

am i part of an Rpg? just to be epic xD

if ur asking for the lv i made some calculation to make the lv like this(max is lv 200)

Rate and Comment
Forum's Bitch
I agree. The fonts of the text don't mix very well.
If HP is in this way | don't make the other text like / .
Jon. you can't just do that shit with the flame. you'd have to make the particles yourself in photoshop or something.
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