Name: FighterKHV
Age: 14 (Just beacuse i will turn 14 on May, lol But i'm 13 ATM)
Country: Russia
Force and Relax Color: Both Aqua
Clan: (Or Organisation for text background): Ultimatum, you can write UTM, duh =P
Additional text: (Motto or personal short story like in the examples): "The brave, angry and mercyless warrior that came from the eastern Russian forests is trying to be one of the best, strong and rich fighters in the world."
Also, motto: "The true misson of each warrior is defend weak people and killing bad guys"
Picture of tori: (if you don't have I'll make one)
Also, you can put info about my favourite mods:
Favourite mods: Judo, Aikido, KickBox, TaekKyon, RussianFight, Sumo
Price: 5k
Also, sup Nasuke. You make awesome cards :]