im hopind to join your group of XIII because i was fighting membrain in a akido tourney and he put so much power into his moves and i new i had toget i that group. i think you should accept me because im really good and i would make a very loyal addaitoion to the team of perfectoin and power
im hopind to join your group of XIII because i was fighting membrain in a akido tourney and he put so much power into his moves and i new i had toget i that group. i think you should accept me because im really good and i would make a very loyal addaitoion to the team of perfectoin and power
im hopind to join your group of XIII because i was fighting membrain in a akido tourney and he put so much power into his moves and i new i had toget i that group. i think you should accept me because im really good and i would make a very loyal addaitoion to the team of perfectoin and power