Christmas Lottery
-Age - 13/14 Im 14 12th may
-Sex - Male
-Local GMT - (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
-Game experience (months) - Around a year.
-Game experience in Wushu (months) - 2 maybe
-Hobby (job?) - Computer games is my hobby.
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan;) - Hmmm, Im cool and Im petty good at tori. How do I like the clan? I love the name of it. I never been in a clan before so it would be a greate thing to do!

Wushu3 - I just had one!

Now PM me if I gets accepted!
Attached Files
Random1.rpl (19.3 KB, 11 views)
#Secri.rpl (105.4 KB, 10 views)
#Secriterian - Body Cutter.rpl (131.8 KB, 8 views)
-local GMT:Gmt 2
-Game experience (months)36
-Game experience in Wushu (months)29
-hobby (job?)Drums.Playing drums
-Tell us a little about yourself:Well my name is Andre Vosloo.I dont consider myself to be cool in anyway,however It Would Be Nice To hear it Lol.I LOVE your Clan Because it Stands for improvisions.I Value that in wushu espesialy.Imrovisions put the fun in fighting In tb.I mean,preset moves realy suck,and become so predictable.So yeah:This is Me.
TC for sale/ Buying TC. PM me! :)
age : 11
sex : male
local gmt : gmt 2
game experience : 29 months
game experience in wushu : 41
hobby : playing guitar
tell us a little about your shelf : well my real name is rahadian i live in indonesia and i love wushu
my belt is : brown belt

and can i get the invitation
-Age: 15
-Sex: boy
-local GMT: GMT -0/0+
-Game experience (months): about 13
-Game experience in Wushu (months): about 2
-hobby (job?): icehockey
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan ;)
i like your clan rlly much because its not like only TAG its much more and you got perfect ppl in your clan with perfect skills and thats why i would like to be part of the awesomeness hope you choose me!
-Age 10
-Sex Male
-Local GMT IDK
-Game experience (months) Year
-Game experience in Wushu (months)6 mths
-Hobby (job?) None
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan;)

I like you're clan [Impro] because I want to improve my skill in toribash.
oh shit waddup
-Age I am 16 years
-Sex male
-local GMT -6
-Game experience (months) I have been playing for 3 years
-Game experience in Wushu (months) I have been playing wushu everyday sense I started.
-hobby (job?) Don't have one.
-Tell us a little about yourself: How are you cool and how do you like our clan ;)

I am a cool person because I am respectful and will never bring a person down.
I like Impro cause you guys are one of the best wushu clans out there maybe just the best. I want to join Impro cause I too am really good at Wushu and I think that I can get a long with all of you and we can become good friends.

I will post replays soon. I want to get some good replays.